Haiti is a country with difficult living conditions, particularly for the youth, who seek activities for social integration, and the creation of items that are useful to them, their families and their communities.
The following students are participating in a new initiative that SOPUDEP has launched, that a Rotary Club Member in Canada (Barrie, Ontario), Carol Forde, is supporting. 3 SOPUDEP students and 2 female community members were trained in the usage of Pop Can waste (particularly the opening tab on top of the can), as a raw material. With the aluminum soda pop can tabs, the initiative makes purses, sandals, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, other ornaments / decorations.
This is yet one more tool that SODUPEP youth (Wesly Misère, Nalogue Cantave, and Mackendy Dorvil), currently in Philo (last year of secondary school), have in order to be productive. They can have that tool in their path to earn an income that can be part of their financial plan to attend university, beginning in September, 2016.
SOPUDEP’s goals are that a) the items that these and other youth produce be marketed, and b) in April, 2016, SOPUDEP a fair is held, where other handicraft items will be shown, and other entities will be invited, to see how the youth are initiated in these activities.
We invite the public to purchase the purses made with recycled soda can materials, created by these talented young stars of tomorrow. A call is launched for our partners to think about these young talented leaders of tomorrow. The proceeds go toward continuing their future education. The profile of the students involved in the project are posted below.
WESLY MISERE, born Dec. 6, 1996..

Wesly Misère is from a 9-person female-headed household at Delmas 60. His mother is raising 7 children and 1 niece. Wesly’s intelligence and talent is one of the few gifts and assets that the stressed family has to draw on, given the mother’s meager / practically absent income. Wesly has artistic gifts (handicraft, painting), but has had little previous formal training. One of SOPUDEP’s projects is for Wesly to further cultivate his talent, while moving toward finishing secondary school and furthering his training at L’Ecole des Arts, in Port-au-Prince, on a multi-year work schedule. Furthering his artistic training would help him be more productive, to help his family.
Analogue CANTAVE, born Feb. 22, 1997..

Nalogue Cantave is from a 4-person female-headed household. Her mother is from Cornillon, one of the poorest and most isolated and difficult-access communes of
Haiti. Coming to the capital, she faced great hardship to raise her children. Nalogue’s family came into contact with SOPUDEP’s founder when Nalogue was very young. Nalogue has been one of the success stories of the program, rising out of great challenges to succeed in her studies. It is SOPUDEP’s pleasure to participate and contribute in Nalogue’s upbringing and educational growth and development. The purse-making handicraft activity is one of the productive activities that Nalogue has been a part of. Nalogue wants to study Management and Business Administration, at Quisqueya University.
Mackendy DORVIL, born Jan 17, 1994

Mackendy is from a 7-person household in Port-au-Prince, both parents facing health challenges. Mackendy Dorvil wants to study administrative sciences at the University of Port-au-Prince, and is participating in the handicraft program as a means of his artistic creation / expression, as well as to further the viability of his dream to continue his education at a university level.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the recycled products please contact us via our contact form for prices and delivery to the US and Canada. Thank you for supporting SOPUDEP youth.